The Top 10 Ways to Have Great Success

Try these today to change your life.

Duane Michael
5 min readApr 22, 2022
“The secret of your success is determined by your daily agenda.”
Secret to Success Quote — Made in Canva

Great success comes to those who are willing to work hard and put in the time and effort necessary to achieve their goals.

If you’re looking to have great success, follow these ten steps and you’ll be well on your way to achieving all of your personal and professional goals.

Know How Much Effort You Are Willing To Put In

The most successful people in life don’t just put in more hours than their peers; they also work smarter. Don’t be afraid to ask yourself how much effort you are willing to put into a project.

Are you willing to spend more time on something than it will take you? Asking yourself tough questions like these can help guide your future choices and ensure that you are maximizing productivity.

For example, if you know that working three extra hours per week will pay off with twice as many clients, then working those extra hours could be considered worth it.

Understand Your Purpose

It may sound easy, but in order to achieve success, you must be clear on your purpose and goals. Identify what is truly important and how you plan on achieving it. You need a solid strategy for moving forward, so it’s not just going with the flow.

To have great success means being strategic, smart, and prepared at every step of your journey.

Get clear on what matters most in your life by asking yourself these questions: What do I want?

What am I willing to give up?

What sacrifices am I willing to make?

Are my current priorities lining up with my long-term goals and values?

Stay Positive

Attitude matters more than talent, according to Smedly Butler. When he was once asked who made him a general, he replied I did, sir. He went on to say that all successful people have great attitudes and they usually find success because of their mindset rather than despite it.

If you’re constantly seeing yourself as a failure, then your goals will never seem reachable.

To get ahead in life, focus on what you can do instead of what you can’t. You might also try thinking like an optimist by reminding yourself how lucky you are for each opportunity that comes your way.

There is almost always someone who has it worse than you and being grateful for your current situation is bound to change your perspective in positive ways.

Surround Yourself With Positive People

It’s easy to get your attitude sucked into a black hole of negativity. It’s hard, in general, not to be affected by what is happening around you and sometimes it’s impossible not to take things personally.

When you’re starting a new venture or even just a new job within an existing organization, do yourself a favor and make sure you find ways for your work environment to help build up your self-confidence rather than tear it down.

Find out which people at work are positive forces. Those who see challenges as opportunities for growth; who see setbacks as temporary roadblocks rather than permanent ones and try spending time with them on occasion.

These people will do more than anyone else to help you succeed because they won’t drag you down.

Break Down Your Goals Into Manageable Steps

Are you chasing big dreams, but feel like you’re not making any progress? Try breaking your goals down into manageable steps.

Reaching success requires taking a lot of little actions, so don’t be discouraged when your grand vision doesn’t immediately transform into actionable plans.

Make sure each day is productive, no matter how small, and look forward to getting closer and closer to where you want to be!

Use Affirmations and Self-Talk

Self-talk is often overlooked as a powerful way to improve self-confidence and motivation. What you say about yourself has a significant impact on your mindset, productivity, and behavior.

Make sure that what you’re saying about yourself is positive. You don’t want negative thoughts ruining all of your hard work.

For example, if you wake up every morning and tell yourself, I can’t go another day without losing weight. I just can’t stand my life like this anymore.

It may then feel as if something needs to change. But if you tell yourself each morning things like my health is improving and I look amazing in my new clothes, you are on the right path.

Become an Early Riser

Becoming an early riser is one of those small changes that can help you get ahead in life. Being more productive, setting more goals, spending more time with your family, and getting out of debt are just a few examples.

Becoming an early riser will give you back a whole hour every day which translates into 365 extra hours every year and that’s enough time to train for a marathon or learn a new language.

If you want to live life on your terms, then becoming an early riser is step 1.

Take Advantage of Circumstances

If a stressful situation is thrust upon you, take advantage of it. If something does not go your way, think about how you can use that in your favor. This is a good way to move away from negative thinking and towards positive thinking.

When challenges arise, don’t waste time lamenting over how bad things are or regretting what you did. Instead, ask yourself what challenges are specifically causing stress and think about how you can turn these challenges into positives that will benefit you in some way moving forward.

A great example of using an undesirable circumstance as a stepping stone for success is one of my favorite figures in history — Henry Ford.

Reevaluate Your Progress Every Day

Nobody can plan success, but you can prepare for it. This means taking a moment every day to evaluate your progress and make sure you’re on track with your goals.

Use these moments wisely; don’t just automatically proceed with your daily tasks. Take time to reflect on how you did or didn’t achieve success in these areas yesterday, and what you can do better today.

Wake Up Earlier Than Everyone Else

Early risers are more productive and have a leg up on everyone else in their industry. Let’s face it, they’re able to get more done while most others are still trying to find their keys or make their first cup of coffee.

If you want success in your career and life, consider making changes that will allow you to rise earlier than everyone else. That could be going for a run at 4:30 in the morning or waking up 30 minutes before your friends do so you can meditate and read something from your industry before work.

It might not be easy at first, but with practice comes great rewards like improved productivity, better time management skills, and increased awareness of what’s happening around you as people begin responding to your increased hours.

Final Thoughts

The reality is that great success is just a matter of time and a lot of hard work. Without one or both, you will never achieve your goals, no matter how good your intentions are.

Setting goals is incredibly important in business and life in general because it forces you to take action.

Every day we wake up with a limited amount of time on earth, if you use it wisely then greatness awaits. Here’s to your success.

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Duane Michael
Duane Michael

Written by Duane Michael

I really enjoy writing fictional horror stories. Follow me out at Spine Chilling Stories. 😊

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