Replace The Negatives In Your Life With Positives And Move Ahead
Using Motivation To Get Your Life On Track
If you want to advance in life, you must replace the negatives in your life with positives. This article will teach you how to remove negative influences from your life and replace them with positives, resulting in increased morale and productivity. For success and peak performance, focus on the positive.
The majority of us are unaware of the number of negative influences in our lives. We are constantly bombarded with negative messages from the media, the people around us, and most importantly, ourselves.
The first step in replacing negatives with positives in your life is to decide to begin looking for negative messages and ways to replace them with positives. Decide to focus on the positive aspects of the world.
Begin by drastically reducing the amount of news you take in. The majority of people begin their day by reading the news. And, of course, the majority of the news is negative, with fires, floods, and other disasters. Then there’s traffic and weather, which emphasizes the negatives even more. So, by the time you finish your coffee, you’ve had enough bad news for a week.
Does all of this bad news make you want to throw open the door and welcome the new day? Quite the contrary. What about how we end the day? Many of us watch the news before bed and get a large dose of negative information right before we try to sleep.
Is it any wonder that so many people have difficulty sleeping? The mood we are in before going to bed carries over to the next morning, so you are setting yourself up for a bad day the next day. You probably don’t need all of the negative information you’re getting from the news, and you’ll be fine without it.
Replace the news you were getting with things like motivational tapes, uplifting music, and websites like that emphasize good news. Reading empowering books also helps a lot.
Books can be an excellent way to recharge your batteries. Look for success stories, biographies of successful people, and other resources to see what works best for you. You will immediately feel better.
Your next step should be to reduce the amount of television you watch. According to a recent study, 78 percent of people who watch TV are uninterested in the program they are watching at the time.
So watching TV is probably making you bored at best and diverting your attention away from more enjoyable activities. The period when most people are watching TV is known as prime time; you can make it your prime time by turning off the TV and using that time to advance your life.
Next, limit your contact with negative people. Most people don’t realize how draining it is to be around negative people, but they do in a variety of ways.
Negative people bring you down, so do everything you can to get rid of them.
Never participate in office pity parties or complaint sessions if they come your way. Seek out people who support you and make you feel good, and use them to replace the negative people in your life.
We, ourselves are the most damaging source of negativity. Most of us generate a lot of negative self-talk that our minds accept as truth, causing us to be held back in a variety of ways. We focus on our flaws and problems, and we spend our time predicting more bad news for ourselves, causing a lot of fear and worry, while undermining our ability to try new things, and so on.
Begin to focus on your positive qualities. What are your distinct strengths, what have you accomplished, and how are you different and superior to others? Use visualization and affirmations to create images of yourself achieving your goals, and then use these to replace negative images.
Give yourself a lot of credit for everything you do well so that you can get even more good news about yourself. Set aside three minutes every day to reflect on all the good things in your life right now. Thinking about the good things in your life will generate positive feelings in you that will last for the rest of the day.
Don’t forget to look after your body. Eat healthily, eliminate bad habits, and engage in regular exercise to boost your self-esteem while increasing your strength and endurance, allowing you to accomplish more.
Helping others will make you feel better about yourself as well. Make time to volunteer at a charity, an animal shelter, or other activities that benefit others. Others will give you positive feedback, and you will develop a genuine sense that you are a good person. What you put out comes back to you, so make sure it’s positive.
By replacing the negatives in your life with positives, you will improve yourself and, most likely, the world. You will feel better mentally and physically, and you will accomplish many of your goals. Nothing is ever accomplished unless action is taken, so begin now to move your life forward.