Improve Performance through Positive Thinking
Some people spend their lives attempting to avoid making mistakes, yet their professions suffer as a result of their inability to achieve perfection. They make fewer mistakes in the end, but they accomplish less because they spend so much time trying to make everything flawless.
Making a conscious effort to think with an optimistic mindset and expect favorable outcomes is known as positive thinking. Positive behavior entails acting with purpose, vigor and excitement. When you think and act positively, you direct your thoughts toward your objectives and generate mental and physical energy that matches.
Positive thinking and conduct are frequently decisive factors in securing a top job, whether it’s your first job, a promotion or a career move.
Your subconscious’s job is to support your beliefs and activities by eliciting appropriate psychological responses. Positive thinking and behavior have been shown in studies to have a significant impact on personal performance, confidence, and even health.
Positive thinking encourages the brain to produce positive chemical and physical responses, such as enhanced mental alertness and physical energy, better breathing and circulation and more beneficial endorphins. Positive thinking improves your capacity to perform and project excitement, energy, competence and confidence, all of which are attributes that recruiters look for when hiring and promoting candidates.
Negative thinking triggers negative chemical and physical responses in the brain, such as increased blood pressure, decreased mental attentiveness, increased anxiety, diminished physical energy, and flight or fight reactions.
These responses sap energy, creativity, and performance while also eroding self-esteem. Follow these tips to form the habit of positive thinking to boost your success.
1) Make a conscious effort to motivate yourself every day: Consider yourself successful, and expect positive results in all you do.
2) Project enthusiasm and energy: Employers look for employees that exude positivity and eagerness. Make it a habit to speak, move and act with these attributes in mind.
3) Incorporate this optimistic expectancy mindset into your daily routine until it becomes second nature: Applicants that exude positivity and passion create a positive chemistry that spreads. This positive vibe has a big impact on hiring decisions. The practice will assist you in reaching your full potential.
4) Reminisce on past triumphs: Focusing on past accomplishments to remind yourself of your ability will assist you in achieving your objectives. Reminiscing on the past serves no use for you or your future.
Who cares if you dealt with ungrateful people who were prior lowlife criminals who exploited your good nature and expertise by refusing to pay you even for the cost of goods and supplies? You’ll get there if you concentrate on the future. You will relive and replicate the past if you concentrate on it.
No one is born knowing how to ride a bicycle or, for that matter, how to fix and diagnose computer problems, as an example of focusing on past triumphs.
You learn new skills through training, practice, and trial & error. Remember earlier triumphs during the trial and error stages of development: mistakes are a natural part of the learning curve. Continue until you get the desired result, and remind yourself that you’ve done it before and can do it again. Only when you stop trying will you fail.
In your job search, career and new job advancements, the impact of positive thinking and behavior cannot be overstated. Remember that to a smart man, every day is a new life.
Good luck and keep thinking positive!