How to Become More Energetic: 10 Tips to Boost Your Energy and Get More Done
Are you getting run down and need a boost?
Do you often feel like you’re dragging yourself through your day and that you don’t have enough energy to get everything done? While it can be tempting to just drown your exhaustion in coffee, there are healthier and more productive ways to boost your energy, maximize your productivity, and bring more fulfillment into your life than ever before.
Here are 10 tips on how to become more energetic, with each of them featuring actionable advice and ways you can put these tips into practice today.
Don’t Overthink the Night Before
While getting a good night’s sleep is key to avoiding fatigue during your workday, you might be tempted to think about all of your responsibilities as soon as you wake up. Rather than spending an hour worrying about everything that needs to get done (and then doing absolutely nothing), simply take a few moments each morning for reflection.
In these precious minutes, think about what you have going on today and give yourself small, achievable goals that will help you feel like more of a winner at the day’s end. After all, if there’s one thing that always gets me through my workday it’s confidence in myself, so set realistic expectations for what is possible today and never look back.
Lighten Your Day
Having less on your plate can help you feel more energized. That’s especially true if you’re trying to take care of a family, have multiple jobs, or just generally have a lot going on. By simplifying your schedule, not only will you give yourself more time for fun activities, but also you’ll leave yourself feeling less stressed and anxious, which can sap energy levels by itself.
Having an open schedule may also lead to spontaneous moments of zen. Think about it: If you don’t know what your day holds, there’s no need to rush it along. You’ll be able to enjoy every moment of your downtime without worrying about how quickly each task needs to get done.
Practice Minimalism in Your Bedroom
A bedroom is a place for sleep and rest, not Netflix binges or video games. That doesn’t mean you have to live in a dorm room with little furniture, though. If your primary purpose for decorating your bedroom is just so you can get more work done by having a quieter atmosphere.
Consider simplifying by downsizing your bed, dresser, bookcase, etc., which will create an environment that encourages concentration instead of relaxation. Here are some tips on designing simple bedrooms.
Choose an Optimal Place For Sleeping
To sleep soundly, you need to be comfortable. Invest in a firm mattress that provides optimal support for your back; sleeping on a saggy mattress will leave you sore in the morning. Make sure your sheets are soft but don’t make noise when you move around, as this will prevent you from getting a good night’s rest.
Take Naps in Advance
One of my favorite energy boosters is taking a nap. It’s one of those things people think you’re crazy for, but it works. I typically don’t schedule a nap before I have to work, but if I know that late afternoon or early evening are going to be busy days, I’ll set aside time in advance where I can get some shut-eye.
If your day isn’t going as planned, take a few minutes (and if you can swing it, lie down) in advance to give yourself an energy boost. You might feel more refreshed and less stressed out when you wake up.
Invest in a White Noise Machine
White noise machines aren’t just for helping babies sleep; they also help reduce stress. Invest in a machine that produces gentle white noise, so you can block out environmental distractions.
You might even want to set up a playlist with mellow music on your iPod or iPhone so that whenever you need to drown out distractions at work, you can turn on your white noise machine or playlist and tune everything else out.
Use Cold Water For Washing, Not Hot
The idea is that hot water opens your pores, allowing toxins to escape from your body more quickly. That’s great for your health, but it also sucks up a lot of energy. This can leave you feeling tired all day long, especially since hot showers are often longer than cold ones.
In fact, after taking a warm shower, I usually feel exhausted as I dry off. It’s like my entire body has just gone through an intense workout! To save energy, take cold showers or baths instead (or both). You’ll wake up fully energized in no time at all.
Drink Water Throughout the Day, Not Only at Meals
Your body closely regulates its water balance, and drinking too much at once can have serious consequences. As a result, it’s best to spread out your water consumption and drink water consistently throughout the day.
It may be easier to maintain healthy habits and increase your daily water intake if you drink a glass of water first thing in the morning.
Drinking water before meals can help increase feelings of fullness and may help older adults lose weight. Finally, drinking water before and after exercise can help to replenish lost fluids and improve performance and recovery.
The most important thing, however, is to drink water consistently throughout the day to stay hydrated. Check out this story on getting enough water to reach your daily intake.
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