Get a Head Start on Your Day: The Benefits of an Early Morning Walk

Duane Michael
5 min readMay 14, 2022


Taking an early morning walk
Photo by Jordan McQueen on Unsplash

If you feel like you’re not getting as much done as you would like during the day, try adopting an early morning walk routine to start your day off right. Not only will this give you a chance to get some exercise in, but it can also allow you to clear your head, plan out your schedule, and even plan out what’s most important that day so that you can get it done first when your mind is fresh.

Here are some tips on how to get more out of your early morning walks. It has really changed my life after sitting on my butt during Covid! I feel so much better after walking.

Why is it good to walk early in the morning?

Waking up early can be hard, but if you’re going to do it, start with a walk. Exercise will help you burn calories and stress; walking is one of the simplest and most accessible forms for everyone (you don’t need special equipment or clothing), especially those new to fitness.

Plus, there’s evidence that morning exercise helps people lose weight more quickly than exercise later in the day. So put on your workout clothes first thing and if you’ve got to get out of bed before sunrise, make sure it’s not just cold water that gets you moving.

What should I do during my walk?

Walking allows you to do a variety of activities. In fact, I’ve thought of some activities to do while walking. I’ve completed them all, and they’ve kept me moving, entertained, and in good shape.

It’s funny how when I tell people I enjoy walking, they say it’s so boring. To be honest, I don’t get it. I’ve discovered a plethora of things to do while walking.

Walking calms my mind and allows me to think more deeply and clearly, as well as be more creative in coming up with solutions to pressing issues on my mind. Here are some things I do while walking.

Thinking: What is your most pressing issue? Do you have a problem at work? Do you have family issues that are bothering you? Walking is beneficial to both the body and the mind. I’ve discovered that walking gives me more time to think and better analyze problems in my life, resulting in much better solutions.

Daydreaming: Getting “lost” in our own world allows us to explore new ideas, promotes creativity, improves memory, solve problems, consolidate learning, increase IQ, and reflection aids in our development and well-being.

Listen to Audiobooks: This is an excellent way to enjoy a walk, pass the time quickly, and expand your knowledge. Are you interested in the origins of the Universe? Do you want to be entertained by fiction?

Enjoy the Environment: Simply being outside in the fresh air provides a mental boost. All forms of outdoor exercise boost self-esteem.

How should I prepare for my walk?

Getting up at dawn and walking through your neighborhood isn’t something you can, or should just jump into. When you start exercising, it can be easy to overdo it and injure yourself.

If you decide to walk at dawn, prepare for it. Go to bed earlier than usual so that you’re well-rested and able to fully enjoy your new routine. Be sure to wear proper shoes (if necessary) and bring along any items that could help keep you safe during your walks, such as pepper spray or a cell phone. And don’t forget about hydration.

What if I don’t have much time?

It only takes 5 to 10 minutes, depending on your fitness level. And it’s easier than you think, you just need to put in your headphones and hit play. As you move forward with each song, you should gradually pick up your pace until you’re jogging or running in place.

If you want to work at it for longer, that’s great! Just try not to go for more than 20 minutes at first, better safe than sorry. Remember that exercising in the morning is a good idea because once you get started, it will be easier to keep going throughout your day.

How can walking change my day?

It might be early in your day, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make changes to improve how it goes. Walking outside in fresh air first thing in the morning will help you get more oxygen into your lungs and energize your body, making you feel refreshed and ready to tackle whatever workday tasks await.

Plus, exercise tends to make people happy (or happier anyway), so when you exercise first thing it can boost your mood as well. And if you want to test whether walking is going to help?

Take a look at what sort of mood you are in before going for a walk and after. A burst of activity first thing can do wonders for how we start our days.

Benefits from early morning walking

When you set your body into motion at a time when your mind is still dreaming, you take advantage of natural energy-boosting biochemical processes. This means that even if you hate working out, walking first thing in the morning will make it more enjoyable, you’ll feel less tired than usual.

It’s also easier to sneak in some extra activity before work because there are fewer people around and you can slip out during breaks for water or bathroom breaks.

That can give your workout more staying power throughout your day as well as later in life, starting with walking regularly now can lead to greater endurance and cardiovascular health when you’re older.

If those sound like good things, try setting alarms to remind yourself to get up and walk every hour. It will do wonders for you!

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Duane Michael — Author



Duane Michael

I am a creative visionary and storyteller, weaving my dreams into words. It is my goal that you will enjoy my words. 😊