Crimson Moon: Horror Stories

Unveiling the Shadows of Love and Sacrifice

Duane Michael
Spine Chilling Stories
6 min readDec 10, 2023


A moonlit clearing in a dark, ancient forest, bathed in the eerie glow of a crimson moon. In the center stands a dilapidated mansion, its decaying walls casting long shadows on the ground. A figure, ghostly and ethereal, plays a piano near a stained-glass window, the haunting music echoing through the stillness.
Image created in Leonardo AI by Author

The wind whispered through the skeletal branches of the ancient oak trees, carrying with it an unsettling chill that seemed to penetrate the very souls of those who dared to venture into the dense woods. The moon, a crimson orb hanging low in the ink-black sky, cast an eerie glow over the gnarled roots and tangled underbrush.



Duane Michael
Spine Chilling Stories

A Creative Visionary and Storyteller, weaving dreams into words. Discover my captivating narratives on Medium. 😊