8 Tips For Writing Good Articles

Duane Michael
4 min readJan 15, 2022


8 Tips For Writing Good Articles

A lot of people, including seasoned authors and marketers, dread having to write another article.

Some people simply believe that it is too much work, and that it will all be for naught if no one reads their article. Reading articles can feel like work to some people, especially if the article is dull and uninteresting. Articles are meant to be read; that is their purpose: to pass on your knowledge, message and information.

It is a waste of time and effort if it is not read by anyone.

Nonetheless, articles must be written in order to be read. It’s just a matter of getting them to be good. Making a good article does not have to be difficult or time-consuming. There are only a few points to be reminded of, as well as some guidelines to follow. Writing articles should be enjoyable as well as beneficial to you and your site once you get the hang of it.

Of course, the articles you write must be about a subject about which you are knowledgeable. This is why, if you own a website, you are likely to be knowledgeable about the theme of your website. You won’t have too much trouble writing about it because you already know what the subject is and what it’s about. Its just a matter of making your articles creative, informative and interesting.

Here are 8 extremely helpful tips for ensuring that your articles are read and enjoyed. These suggestions will help you make your articles more readable, informative and interesting.

Tip #1: Use Shorter Paragraphs

When a paragraph is very long, the words become jumbled in the reader’s mind. Simply looking at a long paragraph can be quite confusing and makes it difficult to read. The reader will quickly dismiss the paragraph and move on to articles that are both visually appealing and easy to read. Paragraphs can be as short as a single sentence, or even a single word!

Tip #2: Make Use Of Numbers and Bullet Points

Use numbers or bullets to make your point. As you emphasize each relevant point, numbers and bullets can help you remember and digest the information quickly. Because each point, tip, guide or method begins with a bullet or point, your readers will understand that this is where the advice begins.

Indent your bullets and numbers so that your article does not look like a single block of boring square paragraphs. It is beneficial to add a little flair and originality to the shape of your article.

Tip #3: Use Sub Headings

Sub-headings can be used to divide your paragraphs on the page. This will divide each point into sections. It will also be simple for the reader to transition from one point to the next; the transition will be smooth, easy and ‘natural.’ You will never lose your readers’ attention, as well as the point and direction of your article, if you do it this way.

Tip #4: Use Attention Grabbing Headlines

Provide an eye-catching title or header. If your title piques a reader’s interest, you’re already half way there to getting them to read your article. Use statements and questions that contain keywords that people are searching for. Provide titles or headers that describe the content of your article, but keep them brief and to the point.

Use titles such as “How to Make Her Want You More” or “How to Make Her Swoon and Blush.” You could also use titles that command people, such as “Make her yours in 6 easy steps.” These kinds of titles appeal to people’s emotions and pique their interest. Once you’ve piqued the reader’s emotional interest, you can be certain that person will read your article.

Tip #5: Keep the Reader Interested

Maintain their interest in your article from the first word to the last. Use real-life situations that the reader can relate to in your opening paragraph. Use good descriptions and metaphors to make your point, but don’t go overboard.

Driving your examples with graphic metaphors and similes will help them visualize what you’re talking about. Making it a pleasurable and enjoyable experience for them.

Tip #6: Make Use Of Figures

When necessary, use figures rather than simple and insignificant statements. Using specific facts and figures can elevate your article by making it more authoritative. However, it should not be too formal; it should be light and easy in them and flow. Like a friendly teacher chatting with an eager student.

Tip #7: Don’t Use Technical Terms

Don’t use words that are too long, technical or unusual. Many authors assume that their readers are already knowledgeable about the topic. These authors use technical terms and jargon that are difficult to understand and follow. So keep it as non-technical as possible. After all, you want them to go to your website to learn more about what you’re writing about.

Tip #8: Check Spelling and Grammar

Take special care with your spelling and grammar. If your article is riddled with spelling errors and poor grammar, it will undermine your claim to be knowledgeable about the subject you are writing about and may result in your article being rejected. Always run a spell check before submitting your article if you want to appear to be an authority on your subject.

Well, there you have it. My 8 tips for writing good articles. I hope you found it helpful and can use some of these tips in writing your own articles. Thank you.



Duane Michael
Duane Michael

Written by Duane Michael

I really enjoy writing fictional horror stories. Follow me out at Spine Chilling Stories. 😊

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