5 Simple Changes That Made My Life So Much Easier

Life comes along easier once you have a purpose

Duane Michael
4 min readJun 24, 2022
Life comes along easier once you have a purpose
Photo by name_ gravity on Unsplash

Do you ever find yourself dealing with frustration and wishing there was an easier way to do the things you have to do every day? I don’t know about you, but sometimes I just feel like my life is too complicated and there are too many moving parts to keep track of. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be that way.

Finding yourself overwhelmed with the day-to-day tasks and responsibilities of your life? Take a few minutes out of your day to make just five simple changes that will make your life so much easier.

Whether you want to spend more time focusing on the things that matter most to you or simply want to feel more relaxed and stress-free, these five tips can help you achieve that goal.

Organize Your Day The Night Before

Once I stopped being lazy and quit ending my nights in the recliner, deciding to keep my brain active by thinking about the next day, things became a lot easier. Waking up with a plan of attack felt so much better than just diving right in.

Making to-do lists and keeping them in order is a great way to remember what you need to get done, but when things come up that aren’t on your list, your plan can easily be thrown off. Instead of relying solely on your memory and notes, create an action plan for yourself that you can refer back to throughout your day.

The best way to do that is by setting aside time before bed every night, with no excuses. Writing out your schedule at night will free up space in your brain during the day so you don’t waste valuable thinking time running through a mental checklist of all you have left to do.

Automate as Much as You Can

If you’re busy at work, make sure you’re not overloading yourself at home. There are a ton of things in our lives that we can automate or outsource so that we don’t have to spend time doing them ourselves.

For example, ask your cleaning service to change your air filters every three months instead of trying to remember to do it yourself. Or hire someone to do your grocery shopping and meal prep on Sunday night so that you don’t find yourself hurrying back from work on a Wednesday night with absolutely nothing prepared for dinner.

Automating mundane tasks can save you tons of time and stress, so make sure it’s something you consider regularly. It will make life so much easier.

Planning Is Your Friend

It may seem obvious, but I’m just now realizing how much planning can simplify your life. Whether it’s mapping out dinner with your family or planning a vacation, setting up the structure before diving in can drastically reduce stress.

For example, if you decide to travel to some new destination for Thanksgiving dinner with some friends, make a plan about what you’ll do when you get there. Can you fly in and drive to their house? Do they have room for everyone? How will everyone get around once they’re there?

Taking 10 minutes on Sunday night to plug all that into Google Maps will make things infinitely easier when you are ready to take off on Wednesday morning. It makes me wonder why I haven’t always planned my days and weeks like that… Oh yeah: because I’m lazy.

Go To Bed Earlier

If you’re someone who routinely stays up late and we all know at least one of those people, you’re making life unnecessarily difficult on yourself. Going to bed early is a simple change that can have a huge impact, and not just because it allows you to hit your eight hours every night.

When you get enough sleep, you wake up feeling refreshed and less stressed than if you stayed up later. Start setting your alarm for an earlier time tomorrow, even if it feels strange in the beginning.

Just Say No

Just say no. It’s a popular saying for a reason and it works. If you’re struggling to change your habits, or just feel better about yourself and your life in general, start small. No diet is ever 100% effective for 100% of people (and let’s be honest, who among us can live up to that sort of expectation anyway?), but even cutting out 1% of junk food from your diet will make a difference.

You don’t have to turn into a model overnight; by making one small change at a time, you’ll find it much easier to change other habits as well. Maybe tomorrow it’s lunch options; maybe next week it’s exercising more. Any progress is good progress.


The truth is we all have things that drive us crazy or get in our way. The key to success and happiness isn’t changing everything about your life at once, but choosing just a few small changes that will make you happier. Once you know where to start, it only takes a little patience and hard work to put yourself on track for more peace of mind. It worked for me and I’m certain it can work for you too. Good luck.

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Duane Michael

A Creative Visionary and Storyteller, weaving dreams into words. Discover my captivating narratives on Medium. 😊