3 Article Writing Tips to Increase Readership and Traffic
Become a better writer
Every day, thousands of articles are published, but how many of these are ever read? If your articles are not read, you will not reap the benefits of writing them.
There are two main reasons why webmasters and others visit article directories, article banks, and article announcement sites. To begin, read articles written by experts to learn about business strategies, article writing tips, and other useful Tips and Ideas that you can adopt and implement.
Second, they want to get useful topic related good content for their websites. Why should the reader read your article instead of several others?
These 3 article writing tips, if used correctly, will have a huge impact on the reader and compel them to read your article.
The Title
Visitors to article directories have a large selection of articles to choose from. They will scroll down, pause, and click on the title that piques their interest. Your primary goal should be to capture the attention of the visitors. If you miss out on this, you will have squandered your opportunity.
It should now be obvious that your title is the key to unlocking the door to your article. Much time and thought should go into creating a Catchy, Powerful, and Compelling Title that will capture the reader’s attention, stop him scrolling, and compel him to click on the link and see how good and useful the article is.
If you succeed, you will have started the ball rolling. The title must be never deceptive. “Be smart but don’t mislead,” should be the guiding principle. You will be dumped by the readers if you use a few misleading titles.
The Introduction
The reader will then want to take a quick look at your introductory paragraph.
Many authors fail to emphasize this point enough. They believe that if the article is of high quality and educational value, people will read it. This is true for articles written by outstanding authors and experts, as well as when their names are displayed alongside.
How will a newcomer ever recognize the names? As a result, an impressive paragraph is essential. With the help of these few sentences, the reader should be able to get a quick glimpse of the quality and scope of the article. The author should also provide a clear picture of what the reader can expect. The introduction should never mislead the reader!
The Resource Box
If the reader is captivated by the content and your expertise after reading the article, his natural tendency will be to learn more about you, and your products, and possibly read more articles written by you.
To begin, he will go to the Resource Box and collect additional information about you. The resource box should include your name, a brief description of your profession or area of expertise that may interest him, and the URL of your website.
How well you present your resource box will persuade the reader to click on your URL and visit your website. The main goal of writing articles and attracting the most readers is to get them to visit your website and promote your business.
Writing articles with proper keyword placement, optimizing them for search engines, and submitting them to article directories is one thing; getting the audience to read the articles is another. You must seize them and persuade them to read your article.
The rest will come later. Implementing these three article writing tips will increase your article readership statistics, visitors to your website, and sales.
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